tirsdag, december 02, 2008

Oh, so THAT'S what I'm doing...

I've never been a joiner. I can still recall my amusement after the first time I voted, spending time reading about each candidate, proposal, local initiative, and making up my mind on each specific thing, then seeing a 'how to vote' sign hanging on a doorway on another dorm room and realizing that I had (with a couple very minor exceptions) voted a straight democratic party ticket. Or my discomfiture upon finding out that all those ideas of religion and morality that I had pieced together over the course of much of my adult life, and which I felt were so unique to me, brought me to almost exactly the dictionary definition of secular humanism.

And, now with blogging. I was happily doing my own thing, writing when the urge struck, trying to have something interesting to say, but nothing too prolific, nothing about much of anything. Not too fussed about how many readers I had. And then I read this. A movement to write thought-through meaningful posts, and not too often, quality over quantity. I clearly am following at least half of that formula. The question is, do I want to admit that it's o.k. to join stuff, and to embrace the slow blogger label, as I have embraced the label of secular humanist (and to a lesser extent, the label of democrat), or is it time to rebel, write all the time on topical issues? O.K., who am I kidding, as the primary caretaker of an increasingly mobile and active infant, when would I have the time to write like that? Whether I am a slow blogger or not, I will be blogging slowly for the foreseeable future. So there, now it's official.

15 kommentarer:

Admin sagde ...

I'm a fast blogger, usually...but hooray for slow bloggers, too!!!

theblackscorpio sagde ...

I am totally looking forward to bloggers blogging, because they want to blog :D

And there are many other social outlets of the "OMG, see this (Rick-rolled) link", so when I want to see those, I go to these networks. There will be a clearer genre definition. (And I'm probably going to ignore it, and post five billion links in the next post or something ;o) But they won't be Rick-rolled)

N sagde ...

Very interesting post...I shall wait for your next post:)

Devil Mood sagde ...

I should add to the blogging theories that you can quickly turn from a fast blogger to a slow blogger.
Slow bloggers of the world unite!

Scholiast sagde ...

And where exactly in the 7 stages of blogging does that leave you? ;)

I'm not even a slow blogger these days, I think I've become an ad hoc blogger (there's such a thing?)...

Greg Mills sagde ...

I think I've reached the sort of bloggic metabolism you're talking about Kim. Forcing ideas to get them up on screen got to be a chore. We invariably become what we always were, I guess.

Anonym sagde ...

This post was a blast! I suppose I say so out of pure amusement that a niche has come to me where I’ve always been. This is the rarest thing I’ve ever experienced. I’m generally the one lagging in the rear of the pack, the one that doesn’t really fit well into any particular category. It seems to me your brain is geared more to fast. Heck you used to post every day! Well, welcome to slow-mo! And I loved Scholiast’s link—I’ve been blogging for about a year now and I’m still in stage two! LOL!!!

i'm marion sagde ...

Well thought out and meaningful sounds good, but if I did that kind of writing, I'd have a publishing deal and not a blog...

I'm definitely slow at blogging, but that's just because I'm very very lazy. Is there a movement for that, too?

BABS sagde ...

I urge you to rebel.


I'm a super fast blogger, and if I didn't have blogging I would have filled our home with litters and snowdrifts of scrawled on papers b'now.

Blogging is a great outlet, and we can always delete.

EKinDK sagde ...

Oh, how well I feel your oozy, contemplative, urgency-lackingness. Me too. Coos and soft cheeks call to me much more these days. I hope it goes well with you, Kimananda. Pretty weird, this motherhood thing, huh? :)

madelyn sagde ...

you are a rebel i think ...

i rebel with heart:)

N sagde ...


I'm going private of my blog. If you want to keep reading it please give me your e-mail address.


Priscilla V.T.O. sagde ...


Ended up visiting your blog while searching for some danish words on google.

I'm a brazilian in love with a danish guy so i'll be happy to contribute to your portuguese language practicing if you give me some tips on how to learn danish ;) hehe

I don't have a blog (yeah i know, weird nowadays) but i got facebook, orkut and so on. Fell free to email me if you'd like. Meeting people from all parts of the world is always a great multicultural experience.

kimananda sagde ...

Vesper, O.K., I'm a fast blogger when I blog. But the question is, when do I blog?

Ms. Black Scorpio, bloggers blogging because they want to blog. Yes, I like that!

Bluefish, o.k., the waiting is over! ;-) And I've been enjoying your blog, both private and otherwise.

Ms. Mood, yep, it's interesting to see how patterns of blogging come about.

Scholiast, I think I fell off the edge of the 7, but now I seem to be back at least for a moment or so.

Greg, hmmm...could be....

Miss A., yes, I am geared for fast blogging...but it's hard to do fast anything while taking care of an infant, I've found!

Marion, a lazy blogger movement...I could co-found that one.

Babs, it's all about rebellion. When I blog, and also when I don't. Of that much I am certain.

EK, motherhood...yep, strange but totally awesome.

Maddie, a rebel with heart. I like that. I'm probably more a rebel with brain. Or rebel with procrastinative tendencies.

Priscilla, well, with only your first name and no e-mail, I won't be finding you on any forums. But feel free to come back here anytime! :-)

Unknown sagde ...

Hah, yes, I'd have call myself that Secular Humanist too. What's kind of funny for me was that I was looking for a term to fit how I felt about human kind, and where my hopes were, and created humanist before I knew that was an official term. Looked 'em up, and yeah, ok, that describes me.

Oh, and you may be a slow blogger, I'm a slow blog reader. I just read this post now. <.< :-P And you haven't left me any comments like you said. *sniffs*