I first saw this when
Daphnewood did it. Then,
Etchen did it. They are both fabulous women, and whatever they do, I want to do too. So, kindly click
here (http://kevan.org/johari?name=kimananda), and let me know what you really think about me, me, me. Thank you!
*image source: http://www3.tltc.ttu.edu/
25 kommentarer:
Just click the word 'here' where it says click here. Easy! ;-)
I did it :) It's interesting but I didn't get what answers go the blind-spot..did you do a test or you just chose your words?
Mr. American, I knew you could do it! ;-)
Ms. Mood, I chose my words first, and then anything else is compared to that. You can read more about it on Wikipedia (under Johari Window). I find it quite an interesting concept, but it seems a bit too self-centered to do somehow, even for a blog.
Yes, he can, and he did! You have nice taste in adjectives...thanks! :-)
dear, dont know much about you. but will tell all that i know from what you seem to be thru your writting :)
what does kimananda mean? it sounds nice.
Neets, thank you...that's exactly what I am interested in seeing, what is the me I project through my writing. I suspect that it's not the same (or not totally the same) as I am outside the blogosphere. And I'm pleased that you like my blog name. You can see an explanation of it here.
I just realized that I'm supposed to study the Johari theory at university...I thought the name was familiar lol
I feel a little silly too when I engage in something a bit egotistic!
I want to be fabulous too!
i did it. there weren't enough nice words to describe you :)
So, Ms. Mood...what do you study exactly? I had the idea it was sociology, but now I wonder if it's more psychology? Not that the social sciences are that easy to separate....
Leslie, you are fabulous, you are.
Chloe, thank you - you always know just what to say!
This was fun..so what do you think? Did your blogfans get you right?
That was cool! You had lots of people fill yours out for you. I would also like to do one that my family fills out so I can see the difference. Family always sees you differently than your friends do. I am glad you did this, are you?
will do that bt does it reallly show ur character ??
Yes, it's psychology. :)
Maddy, I look forward to getting an official chance to choose nice adjectives for you! :-)
Mary, I don't know about blogfans...maybe blog friends. And, yeah, I think you all know me well, and are also willing to ascribe to me all sorts of nice qualities that I don't think I really possess! For which I am very, very grateful!
Daphnewood, I have a couple who've commented already who know me more in real life, and I think I can see the difference in the adjectives they've chosen, and how they fit better with my interactions in that other sphere known as the real world. It makes me wonder about what it means to know someone, and how situation specific such knowing is, really.
Diana, I don't know if it shows a person's character, but it is fascinating to see how others see us. And, as it is only composed of positive adjectives, it's pretty safe. There's a negative adjective version as well, which I considered doing, but I'm not sure I want to hear all the negative things which might be picked out for me! :-)
Hey, Ms. Mood, we were writing at the same time...I love when that happens! I've just decided that it means good luck to the two people writing. So, we'll both have good luck all day! Isn't that nice? :-)
Kimananda, since this is the very first time I have ever seen your blog, I cannot do the Johari window. I don't know enough about you. Michele snet me this morning; I will come back and get to know you better. Okay?
Yes, it's fun when that happens! That's a good thing to think..it brings good luck :)
That was fun :) I'm stealing it right away..
Dropping by to say hi & thanks for coming by my place. It is nice to have vistors.
Kenju, no problem...and welcome! Come back anytime.
Sangroncito, good! :-)
Ms. Mood, it's just the idea of two people commenting on the same blog at the same time...two minds on the same wavelength.
Scholiast, that's wonderful...I'm always so pleased when I inspire someone to steal something. ;-)
Jack, you give good adjective.
Paige, thanks for the return visit. Feel free to come back anytime.
Blue, you also give good adjective. As for correct, it's interesting, that some of the words that have been chosen by multiple people, I looked at when choosing for myself and thought, 'wow, I'd love to be that...but I'm so totally not'. So, now, it has got me thinking about the extent to which I am already the things I'd like to be. It's much more of an awareness exercise than I'd expected in the beginning.
You know the Nohari window?
Yep. I considered it, but am too chicken.
At least noone can say, that you are chicken towards your weaknesses, now that you have said this ;D
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