A fitting eulogy which convinced many that the rabbi had actually known my mom, though he hadn't. Reading from the 23rd Psalm ('Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil'). Reading from and discussing Proverbs 31 ('An accomplished woman, who can find? Her value is far beyond pearls'). The mourner's kadish. Sniffling and kleenex using from assorted parts of the chapel, heard but not seen from the front 'family' row. People in suits who are not normally in suits.
A lagoon-front reception, eating and reminiscing, catching up with the seldom seen. Hearing how much my mom meant to people I barely know, and to people I know well. Her caring. Her sharp wit. Her many talents. How proud she was of her children. Vowing to keep in touch, now that the glue holding the rest of the family with her small part of the family is gone.
My mom, who was she? A private person, not someone who would want fifty-odd people meeting in her memory. Not someone who would want to be written about for posting on the internet, or possibly at all. But someone who deserves to be eulogized, and remembered.
*photo: me, my mom, my mom's mom, and my mom's mom's mom: four generations of women of valour*
21 kommentarer:
I have no words, and therefore I post a comment. You people are beautiful. Always keep on breathing. *hugs*
I'm so very sorry on the loss of your mom. It sounds like she was a wonderful woman, and what a beautiful picture! Many hugs and thoughts for you while you are grieving.
And she will be remembered by all of them, I'm sure.
I'm so sorry about this. I wish I could be there to hug you.
I can't imagine what it must be like for you.
Nevertheless, a wonderful choice of picture. Wonderful reunion of generations.
I'll be thinking of you!!
Four generations, what a beautiful picture.
All my love and support.
What a gorgeous photo. So sorry to hear about your mom's passing.
Ohhhhhhhh love - hugs -
I just loved that photo - made me
rather thoughtful that I don't have one
of even three generations...
Love to you and your family Kim
4 generations on one picture, that's marvellous.
Btw is this why you had to travel to the USA for?
That's a wonderful picture. Four women (one to-be) with wit in their eyes. It would have a pleasure to be in that room the day that photo was taken.
If you're any indication, each of those women must have been wonderful people.
Seems that the official stuff is over, right? Time for yourself? Or still busy? I'm looking forward to see you again in CPH.
I'm so sorry about your loss. You sound really strong. The mourner's Kadish, although translates into reverence for Hashem, is beautifully emotional and helpful in purging grief.
I wish you continued strength.
I'm so sad to read about your mom, my condolances to you and your family. She might have not wanted the blogpost, but I'm sure she appreciated your love for her!
I'll give you a hug when you get here...
Det hørtes ut som en nydelig begravelse. Kondolerer.
I am so sorry for your loss. My heart is with you in your sorrow. *hugs*
Your last two posts are wonderfully encouraging.
my the lord help you through your this hard time, may the people you know comfort you and may you always carry her memory with you.
hi kimananda,
truely a house of fortune :)
sorry about your mom. but im sure u'll cherish the days in pic always
Ms. Black Scorpio, I will do my best to keep on breathing for a long time. At the moment, my allergies are making it a bit more difficult as I keep sneezing.
Michelle, thank you for your kind words. My mom was, in fact, pretty darn cool.
Ms. Mood, I'll accept that hug in virtual fashion! And thank you also for your e-mail. I'll answer when I'm not too busy procrastinating.
Gondul, thank you...and see you soon.
Roro, thank you.
Maddie, thank you...and I'll be in your local airport on the 5th...I'll e-mail with more details. I have something like 6 hours there...is that enough time to come into the city, I wonder?
Kunste..., yep, that's why I came to California with basically no notice. It was good timing, as it gave me a couple of weeks with my mom before she died.
Greg, thank you. I can't speak for myself, but the other three women in that photo were truly amazing.
Annemarie, I'm half busy, and half overwhelmed with everything that I have planned for when I get back. I look forward to seeing you soon.
Jonathan, thank you. I figure I'm really strong, or just generally heartless. Or maybe a blend of the two.
Scholiast, yep, my mom was a private person, but she was o.k. with the memorials that she was getting from people in her last days. I actually think she would have approved of this post...she was one of my earliest blog readers, and was always ready to read my posts, comment on them, ask about them, and so it was a very natural thing to do. And look forward to an e-mail someday, or perhaps a visit in the fall?
HB, tak for det. Det var en rigtig smuk begravelse.
Etchen, thank you, and for the hugs too.
Marion, I'm glad to hear that. I've been getting all sorts of bad news lately, so I don't feel encouraging at all.
Day, thank you very much for your kind words. My family and friends have been amazing at this time.
Diyadear, thank you for your visit and for your kind words. I look forward to visiting you sometime soon.
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. And I think you wrote quite a fitting eulogy. May Jehova bless you with strength and wisdom during your mourning.
Thank you Mr. American, for your kind words.
so sorry to read this. i send you my thoughts and hugs.
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