So, I've decided to make a list of what I've not been writing about, and leave it at that. Then I can begin anew. So, herewith, what I've not written about this past month or so.
- My birthday (which was fabulous, especially the breakfast, and the Danish flags all over the apartment)
An updated 43 things meme for this birthday, to go along with the ones I did last year and the year before
Successfully defending Tristino (I'm quite proud of the little guy, who did very very well)
A week in Yorkshire including a friend's large wedding
Trips with Annemarie, closer to home, to Odense, and to Dragør (on bicycle...50 minutes to get there, 3 and a half hours to get back...we got a bit lost)
Innumerable current events which at the time seemed like good insights into Danish culture
PhD proposal ideas which are trying to get written in one form or another
Assorted lovely blog friends who send lovely gifts and postcards, and the lovely gifts and postcards that they send
And probably more, but those are the ones that come to mind at the moment. So, there you have it...I'm caught up. Let's see if the next big idea I have that needs to be explored now...actually makes it onto blog. Or even one of the older ideas listed here. You never really know.
*Have I mentioned that I also have a small file of photos I've meant to use, but haven't? This one is at least a year old. It's eel and egg. I have no idea what post it was supposed to accompany.
9 kommentarer:
Ah,there you are! I see, you had a bloggers-block. I have to confess that I'm even not busy enough to start an English blog...
I know about things getting out-of-date to blog about. I don't know about being busy. I mean, I used to know, but not I've forgotten. I'd give anything to feel productive right now. But after being really busy, I also thought it was time to do nothing much, like you're thinking right now.
oh what a mess :)
I'm happy that Tristino rock!
Great to meet you in Manchester earlier this month! Where did you end up going after the wedding?
Feliz Aniversario!
I'm so confused...exile from exile from exile...just where are you exactly??? Denmark? California? (I'll be back to check your answer).
You had flags all over your
can we see a photo?
and Happy Birthday sweetie!
happy belated birthday. i'd love to read the 43 things if you decide to do it! xx
Annemarie, yep, I'm still here. Very busy, lots of news, which I will be writing you about at some point. Eventually. :-)
Ms. Mood, it sounds like you're busy with writing and other projects, which I think is fabulous. I need to have some more discipline to focus on that. And yep, Tristino rocked...now it's getting the focus to make him into a phd proposal.
Marion, it was great to meet you too. I ended up actually just spending another day in Manchester, after meeting up with my friend in Harrogate and York. It was relaxing, which is about the highest compliment I can think of for a location at this point.
Sangroncito, when I went to California at the end of May, I put down that I was in exile. Not that I was actually in exile, but it was a very sudden trip (not unexpected, just sudden). Then, when I came back in July, it seemed like it was going back to exile. Not that it's exile here, but it will be different in SF without my mom. So, exile from my exile. Really, I still feel as bi-resident as ever. And I'm still in Denmark. Hmmm...I hope this explanation doesn't confuse you more!
Maddie, I'm not sure I have any photos that do it justice. It was pretty cool though, as was the kick-ass breakfast. I'll take a look for photographic proof later, and let you know if I find any. And thanks for the birthday wishes!
Chloe, thanks! And I will do the 43 things thing again this year...I'm thinking for Halloween, but it may be put off until Thanksgiving. But soon.
ok.. got it..thanks!
haha, I was thinking of doing this exact thing, to get back into blogging, but then I couldn't even do that... Well done!
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