It's been how I've learned languages, more or less, the way I settle into new countries, the way I make new friends, everything in fits and starts. And, apparently, it's the way I work academically. Which is a very roundabout way of saying that I've finally gotten a semblance of a draft proposal together. It's only taken months, I know. For those who aren't privy to my inner angst (and trust me, you don't really want to hear my inner angst, as it's somewhat repetitive), this won't mean much. But those who are in the know will know what a big deal this is. It's still not done, but it's ready to send out to select corners of the world to get feedback. It's done enough that I can almost see doing a PhD based on the ideas in it. So, in short, hallelujah! Now, I return you to your normally scheduled blog while I go back and try to figure out what my methodology might be.
*Tristino in his younger days, now that tiny bit closer to being reborn.*
7 kommentarer:
Yeah!!! Congratulations!
Oh, that's good news!
That's a funny way of working, but you get there, that's the main thing :)
Sounds very familiar. Execute the plan upon completion! I love it!
So weird. I clicked on the wheel chair symbol becuause the verification letters are so close together and out came something like Revolution number 9.
WOW. Under the crowd of muttering a voice said numbers slowly. I typed those in. How weird. I wonder what the subliminal messages are.
OK I clearly am avoiding studying for my dansk prøve 3-5 exam tomorrow.
Annemarie, thanks! I still am working on the methodology (I'm sure I'll bore you with more details at the weekend), but at least I have an idea what my problem statement and overall aim is.
Ms. Mood, it is good news. It is a strange way of working, and I don't always get there (sometimes I give up)...but when it isn't too nervewracking, it's an o.k. way to do things. At least I know that things will eventually happen, if I want them to enough.
Jonathan, I've never tried the verification thing, but now I'll have to! And good luck on the exam!
Congrats! Finding the motivation is usually the hardest part.
Thanks! Now if only I could work out a methodology to go along with that motivation....
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