onsdag, februar 27, 2008

One of those days

Have you ever had one of those days, which never seem to end? Where you leave for work early in the morning, and don't come back until 14 hours later. If you have, then you have my sympathy, and if you haven't, then you have my envy.

Have you ever had one of those days where you find that you can no longer bear to see your own reflection, because you are so enormously, gigantically, hugely big in comparison to what you normally look like? If you have, then congratulations, you must be pregnant, and if you haven't, then you have my envy.

Have you ever had one of those days where life is so full of possibility, but you cannot imagine taking advantage of any of it, because your days never seem to end, and you know everything will change soon anyway, and all the possibilities will become other possibilities?

Not that any of this will necessarily be true for me, tomorrow, but it just seems relevant to ask today.

2 kommentarer:

phish sagde ...

i have had enough of the first.
the second one made me laugh out loud.

i have been away tending to important global issues like painting models' faces and writing ads that sell condensed milk.

but i am back and will be a lot regular with my friends. i wish you all the love and health in the world.

kimananda sagde ...

Neat! I'm always glad when I can make someone laugh. And I would say that condensed milk ads are interesting (model face-painting maybe not so much), but maybe only because I don't work on them. ;-)

And it's good to see you however regularly you are here. :-)