Yes, today is my brother's birthday. Let's all celebrate. I celebrated earlier with a cupcake (well, two) in his honor...in particular a kajkage, or Kaj Cake, named after the Danish children's character Kaj, who is, as you can see, a frog. I meant to take a close up photo of its marzipan-covered, cake and pink cream filled goodness, but didn't. I believe this photo will suffice.
Now it is your turn. Your homework (well, I may be on maternity leave, but I am still a teacher) is to get some cake of your own, eat it, too, and then leave a comment telling all about the experience. Birthday wishes will most likely also be appreciated.
*Photo courtesy of http://okej.wordpress.com/category/gedankensplitter/*
10 kommentarer:
Happy birthday! Where can I get those cupcakes?
being the renegade I am, I opted for ice cream. I had a Klondike bar while I was waiting for my calzone to bake (I make sloppy-joe calzones, and they are dee-lishus and full of meat, this time I used ground pork).
it was a Reeses flavored klondike bar, meaning they drizzle in a little peanbutbutter flavoring at some point, but it still mostly just tastes like plain icecream with a thin chocolate shell, which is exactly what I needed sicne my air conditioning is out of comission presently. I'm heading out to the store now to get more icecream, in fact.
Oh those look so cute and unhealthy, yum!
Happy birthday, Leo Uncle. I'm sorry I'm late.
What will I be eating? In two minutes time, I'll be munching on a cookie. The closest I have to cake.
I know exactly why you didn't manage to get a close-up of Kaj... boy do I miss Denmark and it's bakeries.
happy belated birthday to the bro. and yes, i shall quickly run out and get some cake.
nice to be back.
(sorry :o) )
I went to the California State Fair yesterday and had cheesecake on a stick - frozen, dipped in chocolate, then rolled in toffee and nuts. Fantastic!
And today is YOUR birthday - happy happy happy day to you too! :D
Happy Birthday, Brother!
I at pie, instead. And a cookie. . . . and some chips . . . .
happy birthday as i help myself
to a cupcake:)
i love love love cupcakes:)
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