torsdag, maj 24, 2007

Finding myself

The answer to all questions, even age-old ones, can be found in unlikely sources. Here is clearly shown the answer to that great conundrum, 'Who am I?' Of course this won't help you, but for me, it is now clear.

I am Rikke's brother-in-law's little brother's girlfriend.

This answer, which up until that moment I did not even realize I was seeking, was given to me at a birthday party (with two birthday celebrants, and a lot of guests, hence the identifying of affiliation), and it means a lot to me. It was also by far the longest title of anyone in the room (I considered breaking up with Thor simply so I could add in an 'ex', thus making it even longer), so I'm quite proud.

Now, the more difficult part: Who are you? And how did you find out?

13 kommentarer:

Devil Mood sagde ...

Oh this is so funny! Witty you ;)
I don't know who I am, I'm waiting for one of those parties so someone can tell me, without hesitation.
And in Danish it sounds even more fantastic ;)
But wait! I know - I am Rikke's brother-in-law's little brother's girlfriend's friend .. right? 8P

kimananda sagde ...

Exactly! Glad I could help. ;-)

Anonym sagde ...

Well my best friend is:

Ugly Shoe Pamela Michelle Anderson Goff Cox England Johnson Johnson Mann Mcgowan Corum Anderson again!

Isn't that funny??

x sagde ...

i should have more relatives. then i'd know who i am. xx

Anonym sagde ...

That is very funny. what a long introduction. it sounds much better than "party crasher"

I remember one that said something like "Gary's agent's daughter's friend from college".

Anonym sagde ...

I remember being introduced once at at baby shower as Gertrudes Oldest Daughter Pamela's daughter.

kimananda sagde ...

Leighann, how did she get that name? It's pretty cool.

Chloe, I don't have that many relatives, but it works out because I've co-opted Thor's!

Daphnewood, actually 'party crasher' could be a cool one....

Day, I like that one!

Dok Holocaust sagde ...

I am Dok Holocaust Dean of Holocaust School of Forbidden Sciences and No Culpability, because I said I was. or Rikke's brother-in-law's little brother's girlfriend's blog-commenter. or Reverend Doktor "Red" October Holocaust founder of Holocaust Labs (No more tomorrows TODAY!) son of Nuclear Holocaust and Nuclear Winter.

or not. at my parents' house, I'm just "Boy," and my sister is "shorty"

kimananda sagde ...

'No more tomorrows TODAY!'

That's a great tagline. I would definitely buy all my holocausts from you!

Unknown sagde ...

Congrats with your title! I think it is a really nice one. I also have a title, I know who I am. One of my friends always introduces me as 'THE girl next door'. Funny title, if you're living more than 600 kilometres apart... We haven't been neighbours for about 10 years now.

Dok Holocaust sagde ...

the store isn't fully set up yet. I need more zombies and space lasers, but in the meantime I always accept donations...

kimananda sagde ...

Annemarie, I like that one. And you do have a girl next door kinda thing going. I can see that definitely.

Morose, I appreciate the offer. However, between the vacation with road trip, then the not working because of thesis, then the sudden trip to California with no prospect of working for the next few months either, well, I'm not the best person to hit up for funds.

Dok Holocaust sagde ...

not a prob. I'm just trying to get the link out there however I can, to draw attention to my comic and see how much free money- er, funds for building my zombie army it'll get me.