1. You're originally from California, what do you miss most about home?
I don't miss an awful lot, to tell the truth. This doesn't mean that I don't find things when I'm there that I don't have elsewhere. This includes of course seeing my family, going to my favorite bookstores, restaurants, eating certain foods. Seeing some sights. The nature is so varied, and taking road trips is so easy. But when I'm back in Denmark, I don't miss too much especially.
2. On the flip side, what do you like the most about being an expat living abroad?
I find this a hard question to answer, probably because I've been an expat for too long. At first, it was just cool to live abroad, which had been one of my dreams. The new language, the new culture, new food, were all exciting. I still find those things interesting, but I don't feel like an expat. Rather, it's just my life to live outside where I'm from.
3. Last year you visited a number of countries, including China, what travels do you have planned for this year?
Well, the year is almost over, and the answer was California (several times), and Yorkshire for a week. I'll be in the Netherlands for a quick weekend later this month, and in Austria over Christmas. So, some nice travel, but not as much as was the case the past couple of years. I expect the level of travelling will stay lower for the next few years, and then gradually pick back up, circumstances permitting.
4. In the past you've mentioned that you enjoy doing cross stitch, when did you begin this hobby and what are your favorite type of items to work on?
I didn't start that early actually, maybe about a dozen or so years ago. Which is interesting as my mom did needlepoint and cross-stitch (and many other crafts) for as long as I could remember. Once I started on it though, I fell into it with some degree of passion. I go for long periods without doing anything (I'm in a cross-stitch free period now), and then periods (usually where I have a bit more time) where I can work on things for literally days at a time. I like patterns that are elaborate, or which have lots of elements, and linen with really tiny holes, so that I worry about going blind from the effort.
5. Hows the thesis coming along?
Now, this shows how long it's taken to do this meme, as my thesis was turned in in May, and defended in August. It went really well, but sadly has been followed by a near-total writer's block for anything even remotely academic. But I'm slowly getting over that. Or, if I answer this with reference to my next thesis (well technically dissertation at that point), I can say with confidence that it is still in larval stage, but that I'm sure it will eventually become strong and powerful. But certainly not right away.
So now, it's your turn...I look forward to being the question asker!
*Photo: Redwoods, of course. I wouldn't say I miss them, but I visit them whenever they're nearby.*
6 kommentarer:
Oh I do want you to ask me questions. Someone was supposed to have done this for me a while back, but they never did...(it wasn't you, in case you're wondering lol)
I'm loving November because of your posts.
I'm glad you're liking the posting! I'm finding it interesting that, the more I post, the fewer comments I am getting overall. Which is actually not a problem.
As for questions, I'll try to come up with some challenges for you. :-)
I'm glad to have my daily Kimananda read. However, I'm not ready for a NoCoPoMo yet ;). Have a nice weekend!
I know. I seem to be able to write one type of thing at a time (so, either an article, or an e-mail, or in this case, a blog). I'm working on it, though!
I'll bite, since I'm not going to the good-writer/good-writing meme.
I'll see what I can come up with. It'll most likely take me a week or so.
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